SCOM Balance Share Code *128#

SCOM Balance Share Code *128#

There are often situations where the balance needs to be transferred from one SIM card to another. That’s why SCO company provides SCOM SIM users with the ability to transfer their current balance between Sims. This feature is commonly referred to as Balance Transfer. However, it can also be described as a balance sharing service.

Are you a customer of SCOM Sim and looking to transfer your SIM balance to a friend, family member, relative, or loved one’s SIM number? It’s quick and easy to do so. Just follow the procedure outlined here.

Open the dial pad on your mobile device

Dial *128*Amount*Number# to make the call

  • Open SCO App On Your Mobile
  • Click on the Service Entry Feature
  • Choose the balance transfer option to proceed
  • Now, input the number, choose the amount, and click on the Transfer button.

To make it easy, customers can choose from two options to share their balance. See the names and details provided below.

  • Application
  • USSD Shortcut

Most users opt for balance transfer using codes, as it provides an offline service for SCOM users via SCO. This convenient option is accessible on any mobile device without the need for an internet connection. Just dial *128*amount*, enter the recipient’s mobile number#, and press the call button while choosing the SCOM SIM slot. Your balance has been successfully transferred to the intended recipient.

  1. First, make sure to download the SCO Mobile App on your mobile device
  2. Once you’ve finished that, go ahead and register your account (if it already exists) to be able to sign in right away
  3. Once signed in, choose the service entry function below
  4. Now, simplTerms and Conditionsy tap on the Balance Transfer feature
  5. Please input the number into the box for transferring the balance
  6. Select the amount and then click the transfer button to complete the transaction.
  7. Get ready to receive a confirmation message, coming your way!
  8. Once the confirmation is finalized
  9. Your remaining balance will be sent to the specified number
  • *128#
  • *128*price*no#

You can transfer at least 10 rupees and up to 20 rupees

Get your remaining balance by dialing *125#

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